Tuesday, January 4, 2011

About that subtitle...

Speaking of chocolate covered potato chips, I actually made them as part of my holiday gift to co-workers this year, and they came out totally yummy. I've only had chocolate covered potato chips one other time in my life - when I was little and my parents got some as part of a gourmet gift basket. I don't remember what brand or really anything about them other than the fact that they made such an impression on me, that I've been dreaming of them ever since. It was something about that mix of salty and sweet, plus the fact that they were so out of the ordinary.

I decided to give it a go with kettle-cooked rippled chips since I figured they would stand up to the dipping process, and that turned out to be the right decision. The worst part was how tedious it was to hand dip and scrape each individual chip. I got a lot of compliments though, so I'm happy that I took a chance and tried making them.


I was at a bris for my friend's son this evening, and there was a ton of food. No - there was like ten tons of food. Everyone was digging into hundreds of calories worth of bagels & lox, cole slaw, potato salad, tuna salad, pasta salad, foreskin salad (okay, not really!)

Anyway, they made me eat - so I made a plate of fruit and veggies. It was a small victory to be social and not go crazy with the calories. I haven't been doing that for the last few months, and it's almost like I have to remember what self-control feels like.

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